Side backdrop
600×2300 ,900×2300 ,1000×2300, 1200×2300


Product code ALINK, LINK

      * Refer to the details in the table below:


Promotional signage or an additional wall for booth setups, featuring an aluminum structure, aluminum base, and a steel plate base with a powder-coated finish. The product is strong and shelf life is long.

installation vdo is here vdo setup side backdrop
  • Goods can be returned within 7 days of delivery and you’re eligible for exchange if any defective products are our error.
  • 3 years warranty of frame and fabric.
  • Defective spare part can be delivered quickly.
  • Fabric is eligible for reparation and free of charge if there’s any defect which is  a result of our error such as stitching, zipping…
  • Conditions do not cover any faults caused from misuse; Installation and use that is not according to the instruction manual, misuse from modification, outdoor using that fabric may turn pale from sunlight, user’s negligence and accident etc.

Production Lead-time is 5 working days after approved graphic (not includes shipping days)

Incase that customer needs products urgently, please feel free to contact us directly via phone 02 072 9402-4

Payment Terms Conditions

Pay a deposit 0f 50% and the rest before delivery date to account number 259-206789-5 Fabric Systems Co.,Ltd SCB Bank

download pdf pricelist

Side backdrop แบคดรอบผ้า / ALuminium base A-Link
SizeW0.60x H2.30 m.W0.90x H2.30 m.W1.00x H2.30 m.W1.20x H2.30 m.
Weight4.5 kg.5.2 kg.5.3 kg.6.3 kg.
Bag28x12x70 cm28x12x100 cm28x12x128 cm28x12x128 cm
Price4,400 baht5,650 baht6,100 baht6,950 baht
Side backdrop แบคดรอบผ้า / ขาแผ่นเหล็ก Link
SizeW0.60x H2.30 m.W0.90x H2.30 m.W1.20x H2.30 m.
Weight6.9 kg.10.3 kg.11.5 kg.
Bag68x27x9 cm98x27x9 cm124x27x9 cm
Price4,600 baht5,850 baht7,150 baht